Station 3: Richboro

Station 3 (Richboro) is the main fire station of the NTFD. This station houses our public meeting
area, doubling as an Emergency Operations Center, and is staffed by Career and Volunteer
personnel. All administrative functions are performed out of this station.

Station 3 Apparatus

Chief 3
Marine 3

2014 GMC Sierra 3500HD/Levan Body Equipment Marine Unit
1 Zodiak and 1 Avon Inflatable boats
Evinrude Jet and Prop outboard motors
Various water rescue equipment

Quint 3

2017 E-One Cyclone II 78-foot Aerial Ladder
2,000 Gallon per-minute Hale Q-Max pump
500 Gallon water tank
10kW Harrison Hydraulic Generator
Fire Suppression, rope rescue, vehicle rescue, and emergency medical equipment

Tanker 3

2012 International/4 Guys Water Tanker
1,000 Gallon per-minute pump
2,300 Gallon water tank
Portable Honda trash pump
2,500 Gallon drop tank
Mobile water supply, basic fire suppression equipment

Traffic Safety Unit 3

2021 GMC Savanah
Traffic control equipment

Utility 3

2023 Chevrolet Tahoe
Fire and Medical response, fire inspections and prevention

Rescue 3

2022 Spartan/4 Guys Rescue Pumper

2,000 Gallon Per Minute Pump 675 Gallon water tank

Harrison Hydraulic Generator

Fire Suppression, rope rescue, vehicle rescue, confined space rescue, and emergency medical equipment


50 Newtown-Richboro Rd,

Richboro, PA 18954


Emergency: 911

Non-emergency: 215-357-8277